Become Salesforce Certified with updated IPQ-435 exam questions and correct answers
Which of these describe the vlcCart used in Guided Selling? (Choose TWO)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
Which two custom settings need to be set to true in order to avoid passing large sets of items to the configuration rules and the pricing engine?
Choose 2 answers
Vlocity Product Attributes can be managed interchangeably either through Vlocity Product Console or the Aloha interfacVlocity Product Attributes can be managed interchangeably either through Vlocity Product Console or the Aloha interface.e.
How many times must you initialize the cache when working with cacheable APIs?
How can you make a product not assetizable? (Choose TWO)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.
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