Become CIMA Certified with updated CIMAPRA19-P03-1-ENG exam questions and correct answers
DFR is an online retailer that sells picture frames The software running on DFR's website enables customers to log in and make purchases by inputting an email address as a user name and a password that must contain at least eight characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation marks (e.g. , $ or!) Once logged in, customers can check previous orders that they have placed.
Customers can also use DFR's website to change personal details, including credit card numbers and delivery addresses Whenever they wish to use those facilities, the software sends a text message containing a six-digit number to their mobile phones They must input that number before the system will accept changes to their personal details
Which TWO of the following statements are correct?
The internal audit department has just completed an investigation into the HR department's procedures relating to new staff appointments The head of HR is unhappy with the draft report prepared by the lead internal auditor The report lists several cases in which appointments were made despite the fact that one or more of the entity's formal procedures were not followed
The head of HR has complained that the internal auditor's comments do not allow for the fact that the HR department's staff members are often very busy and do not always have time to conduct every check.
The internal auditor's comments also reflect a failure to complete documents None of the omissions have led to the appointment of an unsuitable member of staff
Which TWO of the following statements reflect an appropriate response by the board of directors to this report?
M plc is an IT company thatbids for large contracts to sell computer systems and also to serviceexisting systems. M plc's senior management hasalwayssetbudgets which are hard to achieve andhavemade no allowances for the recession.
The economy has improved andM plc's senior managershave made the budget even more optimistic. The budgetedsalestargethas been increased by 40%.
In the past,sales staffhave not tried to achievethe budgetsales because itwas generallybelieved that the targets wereimpossible to reach.
M plc has recently appointed a new Sales Directorwhohas decided that sales staff will bedismissedif they fail to meet sales targets for three successive months. He is also looking forhighersalesmargins than wereachievedbefore.
What are the likely consequences ofthe new Sales Director'spolicy?
SDF is a quoted company. Which of the following matters should normally be dealt with by SDF's audit committee?
M, a manufacturing company, has had some problems with defects in one of the main productsitproduces. This product has been made by the company for many years and is very profitable. Last monthithad over 300 defects reported by customers which is more than 15% of products sold. This is a reputation risk for M and is also affecting profitability
Which of the following controls could M introduce to reduce defects and also increase profitability?
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